

The World of Travel & Tourism needs the Arabia Friendly Program, to attract more Travelers from the Arab Countries in a professional sustainable way.

Why to Apply? 
When you apply to be part of Arabia Friendly, you immediately upgrade your sales strategy to another level,  thus offering your property a visibility through unique access to AF platform which will boost  your dedicated sales to the Arabic Market eventually.
The standards were carefully researched & studied by the Experts at several Arab Tourism Organizations.
Our project is open to everyone, from a single property up to an entire destination.
The main requirement to join our community is to be eager to welcome Arab travelers.

How to Apply

We at Arabia Friendly will help you to learn more about Arabic Market trends & requirements, then we will showcase your AF dedicated services at the Arabic market through Digital Distribution, Marketing & Related Fairs Participations.
We offer a constant presence of your product at the Arab Outbound Travel Market & help channeling the B2C sales from Arabic Countries towards your establishments.

Thanks to the benefits included in the purchase of the certification, businesses will have different levels of visibility on our promotional platform, depending on the certification level: a higher certification level equals more visibility. Also, our subscribers will have the opportunity to further customize activities based on your company’s desire to invest in the Arabic market. 

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All information collected will be handled with care for integrity and objectivity and respect for your privacy.